Valvenergy 1st Series

Effects / Valvenergy 1st Series

The VALVENERGY 1st series offers four effect pedals that provide the response and harmonic distortion of a tube amp, putting popular amp sounds into a pedal.

In addition to developing traditional tube amps that use conventional vacuum tubes, VOX has also been researching revolutionary guitar amps that use Nutube, the new vacuum tube. Taking advantage of the technology obtained through the development of these amps, we have now developed a line of Nutube pedals. Featuring the sound and feel of a tube amp, this series delivers four classic amp sounds that are indispensable to the music of today. It also offers new channel switching and line-level output features not previously found in pedals.

What is Nutube?
Nutube is a new vacuum tube that was developed by KORG Corporation in conjunction with Noritake Itron Corporation as an application of vacuum fluorescent display technology. Like a conventional vacuum tube, a Nutube has an anode grid filament structure and operates as a complete triode tube. It provides the same rich overtones and responses that are distinctive of conventional vacuum tubes.